Wednesday, December 24, 2008

cold shadow

just about all the sun you see during the Alaskan winter solstice.


Jesse said...

One of the few things that skeeved me out in the mountains was when I was sitting in a dark rapidly cooling shadow from the mountains, and yet was able to still see bright sunshine-y spots on the higher peaks. It was like nature was poking me with a long stick. This captures that feeling well.

enb said...

hey jesse- yup- you called it- thats exactly how it was-

Gerald de Dios said...

Fantastic sketch!!!!

Woo- finally got the darn thing to work. I tried sketching during the day but had to find shaded area instead. Thanks for your advice and help in getting my NDS Colors running.

Gerald de Dios said...

Is there any adjustment when sketching in bright sunny days? Thanks.

enb said...

where you select the colors application, on one side of the lower screen is a little sun icon which will make it a little brighter. I think some people make cowlings out of cardboard for shade. downside of the tool. Cause at that point you might as well just paint.:)